Fashion, Arts , Awards, Food & Exhibition
Launched in 2018 by Yao Zeus Mohammed, African Fashion and Arts Movement has provided countless opportunities for emerging models, entrepreneurs, designers and creative media.To see this year’s events please check the TICKETS page. Be sure to connect with us on social media @afamvancouver and through our email newsletter to stay informed.
We are always seeking emerging designers & exhibitors, from Africa, Europe and America.
AFAM Vancouver welcomes Photographers, Videographers, Bloggers, Podcasts, TV and Print Media to apply for media accreditation. We only select partners that will guarantee coverage because we have limited seating.
Model castings for our Fashion Week events typically take place in September where both alumni and new models can audition for various opportunities. In some cases we may open a second casting during fittings in October. For details check our ‘Sign Up’ page to register or watch our Instagram stories for announcements.
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